Parish Council Aims and Objectives

Rivington Parish Council is one of the smallest Parish Councils in Lancashire but surely it must be one of the most privileged Parish Councils with such natural and being honest man made beauty.

Parish Councils represent the interests of the community and are part of local government and as a Parish Council we have set some Aims and Objectives which are:

Aim: Via engagement with local residents and visitors alike represent the local community in the protection and enhancement of the local and immediate environment for the benefit of all including provision of local services.

Our objectives to support this aim are:

Objectives 1: Provide a means for the local community to influence local services

Objective 2: Via quarterly public meetings provide an avenue for the local community and interested parties to engage with the Parish Council to ensure local views are represented

Objective 3: Provide an interesting public space via the Village Green for the enjoyment of all

Objective 4: Participate in wider community activities including local government to ensure Rivington Parish has influence over both local and wider decisions

Objective 5: Protect the designated Conservation Area of Rivington and ensure the wider Rivington area is maintained and developed appropriately

Objective 6: Actively engage with key local stakeholders such as Chorley Council, Lancashire Highways, United Utilities and Rivington Heritage Trust to ensure the local community is represented